In all honesty, I'm not much of a Taylor Hicks fan. I never watched American Idol (and probably never will unless forced) but I knew the name simply because of how much the media was covering the show. And oh yeah, those Ford commercials he did. Needless to say when he came on stage at the Christmas Jam I wasn't sure if I needed to be afraid and run for the hills or stay and see what he could do. As you know by now I stayed and it turns out he's a pretty good harp player.
Does that mean I'd go see Taylor Hicks in concert? No, probably not. What it does mean is I won't discount someone's musical ability without hearing or seeing it for myself first.
Besides, in the long run, what can hanging around and hearing one song do to you? You might just realize that some guy who was on some reality TV show can actually blow on the harp like no buddies business. Want proof? Check this video out of Hicks playing the harmonica in Twin River, Rhode Island.
Here's another video that might impress you... w/Keb Mo in Chicago...
You're very kind, Adam. You say you wouldn't pay to see Taylor Hicks. At least you're honest. I'm glad you're getting hits on your blog. You seem like a fair person. Some of us think Taylor Hicks is nothing more than a mediocre wedding singer at best, but he has his fans.
So it looks like you've discovered what some of us have known for a long time now. That guy can blow the harp. Don't stop with one video, there's many more where that one came from. Taylor has jammed with some of the best in the business.
Adam, you're cool. If you keep writing about Taylor Hicks, you'll keep getting hits. But don't hitch your wagon to this star; he's not a bright one. Last night he made a fool of himself. He forgot the words to two songs (maybe three) and he was definitely on something. If you want to see talent from American Idol, check out David Cook, and of course Carrie Underwood.
For your consideration another video of Taylor Hicks and his harmonica talents. "Take the Long Way Home" -- Torrington, CT concert tour 2007.
LOL... Adam, they have a plan, to "win you over" by posting links to videos. You have now been targeted by the looniest of the Taylor fans. Have fun!
Yes Adam, we have a 'plan'!! Wooo! We are going to send secret telepathic soul signals to your unsuspecting brain and everytime you hear a harmonica player, you will have a sudden urge to do the funky chicken! Mind control, baby! Cue twilight music!
But seriously, 'jennar' you should seek some serious psychiatric care.
Don't you love it when people say "seek care" to anyone who disagrees with them? Looking in the mirror is out of the question for them, of course. THEY are never the ones who need to seek care. LOL
Of course Taylor is great at blowing a harp. He has had tons of practice blowing just ask Bill Will his boytoy.
Adam, I would strongly suggest you get up early tomorrow and head on down to your nearest 99 cents store, and pick up a few copies of Taylor's CD, cause I'm sure you'll love it. I bet that just as soon as you take one listen, that you'll be wanting to go to every mallcert he gives in the next ten years. I sure do hope you take my advice and don't let another day pass before you get yourself Taylorized, cause we could use some help voting in some of these polls, cause Taylor's getting behind in a few of them, and that can't happen, if we wany him to keep being the most successful singer in music history. I'll give you the links now, so you'll be all ready to vote just as soon as you get home tomorrow. If Taylor wins all three of these, he might even get a record contract, so make sure you don't forget.
Fire in the kitchen
Fire in the kitchen burning down
Fire in the kitchen fire
Lord send us some cool cool water or
Ain't nobody gonna get no sleep tonight
Wow, Blogs about Taylor Hicks sure bring out the crazies. I get the ones that like him. But why in the hell would you follow someone you hate? Weird. The video you posted was damn good. Watchin' my Warren Haynes DVD again. I got some Mississippi Big Butt Blues.
I am a big fan of Taylor Hicks. It is no surprise that you discovered he can play the harp - he has other talents too. Also no surprise that he plays fast and loose with lyrics, never sings a song the same way twice, weaves and melds them together like a quilt - nor is it a surprise, but always a puzzle - how the evil elements come out of the woodwork saying hateful things about someone who most certainly does not deserve it whenever his name is mentioned. They should open their teeny little minds just a crack and have a real listen too.
Constance, I agree with you about Taylor having other talents. Why I've never seen anyone that put on a mallcert quite like he can. I just think it's a shame that hardly anyone ever sees it, cause for some reason, there must have been some kind of quiet fire alarm that went off at every one I've been too, cause I ain't never seen people running for an exit so fast. I guess Taylor didn't hear it either, cause he just went right on singing, so I just stayed there and watched. I figured that the sweat that was pouring out from under them arms of his would put out any fire that started anyway, so I wasn't too worried about it.
Bertha - so you've been to a lot of Taylor's "mallcerts"? Exactly what is that and where were they held? From what I've seen, Taylor puts on a great "concert" - almost always in a "concert hall of some sort". Most of his concerts were sell outs, and I've never heard of a crowd running for the exit when he sings. Quite the opposite. His concert tour last year was incredibly successful by any measure. This is exactly what I was talking about in my previous post - a mean-spirited comment by someone with no first hand knowledge and for no reason whatsoever other than ignorance and spite.
Right Constance. Bertha is the same old nasty SOB that's running out of her friggin mind hitting all the great sites that glow with praise for Taylor that she can't stand it. She's been very busy in the past 48 hours hitting site after site, changing her sign-on name and preparing the nasty vile she spews from website to website. This is beyond trolling - it's like she's out of her mind. Yesterday while most normal people were out celebrating the 4th, she sat in her lonely chair spreading negativity and nastiness - she obviously has no friends. It really is quite sad. I feel sorry for her - I really do.
My suggestion to the blogger of the site is to monitor your comments a big closer and trash the ones that bring nothing but insults to the site. By not monitoring it, you're chasing away potentionally a lot of viewers - many of whom found your initial blog quite interesting - the Warren Haynes concert. Just sayin....
My suggestion to Adam is to keep the blogs coming! Let the crazy Taylor fans protest all the want -- Bertha is a gifted satirist and humorist, and any blog she visits should feel honored (and especially amused!). Keep up the fun, Bertha and friends! You are marvelous. And you tell the truth, unlike the Stepford Tayholes.
The poor, poor Fraudtry fans. They know their "idol" will never be invited to perform at any cool gigs like Taylor is being invited to 2 years post idol, so they continually crow about his cd sales and his tour with Bon Jovi, when otherwise he is nowhere to be seen. It kills them that Taylor gets all the good invites, so they follow him and his fans around to every article or blog on the net, so they can boost their own fragile egos by trashing someone they supposedly do not care anything about. It's laughable, actually.
On a realistic note... Adam, since you work for The Star, you should try to interview Taylor's boyfriend Bill. Try to convince him that Taylor should come out, even though it will mean the loss of his crazy housewife fans (most of them anyway). Then he can see who the REAL fans are, and he will surely pick up new fans because of his honesty. You might as well go for it, it can't hurt to expose the truth, right?
Constance, all of Taylor's mallcerts that I've been to have been in malls, so I think that might be why they're called mallcerts. I know that time he was at Goodwill promoting his CD, it was called a thriftcert, so I can only guess it was because it was in one of them thrifty stores. I don't think Adam knows his, but that's Taylor's biggest stockest, so you might want to head to your local Goodwill, if the 99 cents store is out of stock, cause I was just reading today that Soundscan just started counting their sales, so you might be able to help Taylor get back in the top 20,000 this week, and that would be quite an accomplsihment for someone that's been out of it for all this time. Of course we all know that's only because it's been Clives evil plan to keep him off the charts, but Taylor outsmarted him, cause he knew that the one thing that Clive didn't have any control over was giant ice cream cones, cause he's never been in the food business before. Now Taylor's a huge broadway star, and all us fans couldn't be more proud of him for it. Why most of them idols don't even know what success is, cause they're too busy selling records to know anything about it, but Taylor was smart, and made sure he didn't have too many of them sales, cause otherwise he would have been too busy to become a Broadway legend. Now he's winning fans one cone at a time.
Gawrsh! Such ranting! Did I hit a nerve?
Constance, I don't see how you could have hit a nerve, when I didn't even feel you hit me, and I'm sure I would have felt it if you had of. I'm just waiting for Adam to get back from Goodwill and let us know that he's been Taylorized, so that I can get him busy voting in them polls. So far Taylor's leading in most of them now, but if he can win the "best artist to ride in a cone" poll, then I can guarantee he's gonna win a Tony next year. I hope you spend some time voting too, cause even though he's the only one in the poll, he was a little behind the last time I checked, so we got to get him back to #1, cause his career depends on it.
Bertha, I hope you don't get hit in your nerves because that must hurt! In our thudding sesssions here at Shady Oaks, we learn to try and not hit anyone when we collapse on the ground You've been such a good mentor ,Bertha. If it weren't for you, I'd have never been Taylorized in the first place. It's so nice of you to Taylorize Adam now. I sure hope he's able to get ahold of one of them free Taylor CD's that the Goodwill hands out. Why, they're worth at least 25 cents now and to get it for free is a real treat! Now he'll have some extra cash to spend on that thud mat he's goingto need once he becomes a real Taylor fan like all of us gals at Shady Oaks.
harmonyhouse: I hope you are not judging Taylor by what you saw on American Idol. He is completely different in concert. He is a wonderful entertainer, very electrifying. Mediocre is really not in the vocabulary you would use to describe Taylor. That word is almost comical when used about Taylor. I'm sure anyone who has seen him in concert would laugh hearing that description.
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