While sitting in the hot seat (the first phone on the volunteer line) I was talking to Roland Dierauf, one of the DJ's at WNCW, about what i'd been listening to recently. I just happaned to be wearing my Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit shirt and he asked me if Jason's record from 2007 was my favorite from that year. I said no, that my favorite was Scott Miller & The Commonwealth's "Reconstruction," which I just kept returning to at least every other week no matter what new music I had just picked up. At this point Roland smiled and said he had a great story for me.
The story begins like many other great stories ... "While I was in college..."
No really, it did start just like that. Anyway, while Roland was in college he lived in a house with a bunch of other college students, mainly a way to save money. In this home lived a friend of Roland's who, at the time, was pursuing a girl that he went to college with. The problem was that this girl wasn't interested in him at all, she was dating "Some guy from William & Mary" as Roland put it. This "guy," as it turns out, was named Scott and he use to come down and play guitar in the living room of the house Roland lived in and the two would talk about music and books and other such things.
Well, after college, Roland moved on and never gave this fella named Scott another thought. A few years pass and Roland ends up as a DJ at WNCW in Spindale. One day he gets an assignment to interview a band, Scott Miller & The Commonwealth, who are playing live that day in WNCW's live studio, called Studio B. So its almost time for the interview to begin and Roland enters the studio to introduce himself. Scott Miller looks up and goes "I know you." Roland responds "Umm...no you don't." Scott Miller then proceds to remind Roland about the girl he was dating in college that went to Roland's college. Anyone thinking of the song "It's A Small World?"
Anyway, to finish off the story, the two got to talking and Roland asked Scott if he ended up following that girl and Scott said yes, "I followed her to graduate school and she dumped me..."
Hey fella, whatever your name is, if your out there that girl you wanted to date is single now. Maybe Scott can give you her number.
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