So my dad had been talking for awhile about getting a new dog, a beagle to be exact. I'd heard it, but sorta let it pass by my ear. My dad, years ago, had a beagle called Lady. I didn't know Lady, but I know stories about her. When my dad and mom got together Lady's seat in my dad's truck got taken away. They ended up having to go buy her a pillow to sit on so she could see out the window of the truck (she sat in the middle between my mom and dad, dad had bucket seats in the truck).
Anyway, a few weeks ago I decided i'd do something about it and try and track down a beagle for my father. I told my dad what I wanted to do and he was all for it. Everyone in the house was a bit excited, except my little brother. I can't blame the kid really, every animal we let in the house seems to like bouncing off his door at 2 a.m. I'd be worried if I were him too.
Anyway, yesterday we found our puppy. She's a beautiful thing really. Found her down in Lyman, SC (about an hour drive from my home in Polk County). She was the runt of the litter but she is cute as a button. Fifty dollars later and she was riding in my dad's lap on the way home. She's gonna be a beautiful thing to be around when she gets older.
Anyway, a few weeks ago I decided i'd do something about it and try and track down a beagle for my father. I told my dad what I wanted to do and he was all for it. Everyone in the house was a bit excited, except my little brother. I can't blame the kid really, every animal we let in the house seems to like bouncing off his door at 2 a.m. I'd be worried if I were him too.
Anyway, yesterday we found our puppy. She's a beautiful thing really. Found her down in Lyman, SC (about an hour drive from my home in Polk County). She was the runt of the litter but she is cute as a button. Fifty dollars later and she was riding in my dad's lap on the way home. She's gonna be a beautiful thing to be around when she gets older.

The best part was watching our cat, Gizmo (the one who likes to bounce off my little brothers door), examining the new addition to the house hold. He didn't know what to do. He looked like a spy hovering around the dog, trying to determine if it was a friend or foe (as seen in the picture at left).
And before anyone asks, no, we haven't named her yet. We have to get to know her first. Anyone got any suggestions?
I have a beagle and they are such great dogs because they have great dispositions. They love everybody and every animal, except squirrels. I can't help you with a name, but my dog's name is Barney which I always thought fit the "look" of a beagle. Have fun!
Your puppy is so darn cute!!
Come join our beagle list. It's at Yahoo Groups, it's called Happy Tails.
Here's a link
Hope to see you there!
Molly Macaroni (Beagle)
Lucy Bear (Aussie Kelpie)
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