Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween and me

So Halloween is coming up. It is easily my favorite holiday of the year. Well, its not an official holiday, but I count it as one. Why? Well for one, what other day do you get fed untold amouts of candy? I mean really, that's a holiday all on its own. But on top of that, I was born on Halloween! Do I need any other reason to love October 31? Nope.

In any case, i've gone out of my way to track down a cool (well, my definition of cool anyway) costume for this year. I have no idea where or when i'm going to wear it, but by gosh i'm gonna wear it. Here is a picture of my self in said costume (I just got the last part of the costume, the mask, in the mail today).
Pretty cool huh? My dear friend Hannah, whom I went to school with at UNC Pembroke, helped me out with the costume. She is the master of costumes, so of course I went to her to plan for Halloween this year. What are you going as for Halloween this year? Let me know by emailing me or droping me a comment on my blog!

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